Sunday, September 3, 2023

Panels: Sword & Sorcery & Handling New Releases 

 Gen Con Writers Symposium 2023 - S.E. Lindberg Chronicles

Beyond chairing and assisting with daily logistics, I hosted a panel on the Leading Edge of Sword and Sorcery and moderated 4x panel on Handling New Releases.  The audio of the S&S panel is available on Youtube; a portion of the New Releases was captured on video; otherwise photos captured them:

Sword and Sorcery Panel (audio available on Youtube)

Moderated 4x Panels on Handling New Book Releases

  • Dr. Chesya Burke &, K. B. Wagers
  • Erik Scott de Bie, Erin M. Evans, Howard Andrew Jones, Patrick S. Tomlinson
  • Dedren Snead, E.D.E. Bell, Gregory A. Wilson
  • Geoge Jreije, Sean CW Korsgaard, John Jackson Miller 

Footage of the last half of one of these sessions on YouTube (filmed by Sean CW Korsgaard):