Showing posts with label Howard Andrew Jones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Howard Andrew Jones. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Howard Andrew Jones Memorial Post

Memorial and honorific tributes to Howard Andrew Jones have flooded in since Aug/Sept. 2024 when he was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. He passed on January 16th, 2025.

During this, I captured a key moments & experiences:

  • August 2024 at Gen Con right before HAJ was diagnosed and I was blessed with rooming with him and helping him battle what he thought was a serious, but lesser, ailment. This epic and haunting convention was full of impactful events, many shared with Sean CW Korsgaard, Jason Ray Carney and Matt John.
  • October 23rd, 2024, the infamous Day of Might, with the broadcasting of the Go Fund Me campaign for HAJ's family
  • January 2025: My latest contribution for the Science Fiction Writers of America Memorial Post, joined by John O'Neill, myself, Sean CW Korsgaard, and Martha Wells, was posted last week. My excerpt below:

Author S.E. Lindberg says of Jones, “Howard’s Skull’s persona resonated since it was the antithesis of him. Whereas the villainous champion of the titular magazine spitefully called his readers ‘mortal dogs’ and regularly ‘immolated’ his interns, the man behind the mask was known to be overly gracious, coaching aspiring, mature, and professional writers in myriad conventions, editing, blogs… for decades! He mentored tirelessly even as his body failed. A week before he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he improvised a personalized ‘Hey Jude’ song at Gen Con Writers Symposium to inspire me on the piano beside the green room, and the lyrics motivate/haunt me continuously. How did he exude so much vitality?
His Hanuvar character embodies Howard more accurately, a veteran striving to save his shattered family and reunite his community (refreshing compared to the flood of immoral, vengeful protagonists available). Howard could strike a friendship up in minutes, and combined with his passion for storytelling, [this] makes him one to be remembered as much as for his heroes as for his own heroism. Howard was the quintessential role model. I imagine him inspiring us now in our time of mourning: ‘Behold, mortal readers, do your morning stretches, carry on, and realize the stories inside you. Swords together!’”

I have been grateful to HAJ for many years, from being a fan of his S&S blogs and appearances at World Con 2010, to meeting him at Gen Con and having him coach me into volunteering at the Writers Symposium ~2017 (which grew into me chairing it in 2023), for bridging the connection to John ONeill to edit for Black Gate online magazine (~2019), and for being able to intern for his magazine Tales From the Magician's Skull as acquisition editor and for being a social media intern for the Skull (~2022). 

The outpouring of memorials speaks to HAJ's character and influence. Each instance, even the shorter obituaries, amplifies his life and reveals nuances. Below I list several so I, and anyone visiting here, can learn more about the man we miss. (ie did you know he was a TV cameraman once? He created the official Walk Through Guides for Castlevania game?) 

I am missing tribute links to many who have expressed wonderful memories somewhere (i.e., Greg Mele, Scott Oden, James Enge, John C Hocking, Mark Rigney, CSE Cooney ....). As I track those down I'll add them here.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mortal Dogs, Celebrate the Day of Might, this Oct 23rd


2021 Day of Might Video and Skull Speaks

Three years ago our Sword & Sorcery champion "the Skull" ordained Oct 23rd the Day of Might.

Trube believers and immolatible minions should go forth and drink beers of root and cheer for the ultimate adventure subgenre!

Howard Andrew Jones is more than the original Skull, he remains an outstanding role model in the fiction community. I recently captured my thoughts on this mentorship and friendship (blog) since he, sadly suffers from a real condition. Howard Andrew Jones is battling cancer in a very real way. Sorry to switch gears. If you haven't yet, please consider supporting the below Go Fund Me for him.  

Go Fund Me for Howard Andrew Jones  - Aid the Skull in his time of need (link)

Hi, friends. This is C. S. E. Cooney, John O'Neill, Sean CW Korsgaard, Greg Mele, James Enge, Mark Rigney, Scott Oden, and Seth Lindberg, representing the hordes of family, friends, fans, and followers of the marvelous writer, beautiful human, husband, father, mentor, editor, and friend Howard Andrew Jones.

In August, many of us received this update from Howard and his family:

"Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I have been diagnosed with brain cancer––multifocal glioblastoma. People I trust––my doctors and my family––inform me it will be fatal, and we are deciding now on a course of action to make the most of the time I have left.

Many of you have been reaching out with well wishes, and I am greatly appreciative. It’s heartening to know that so many people are cheering me on. I am surrounded by family and friends, and they’re taking good care of me.

For now, if you are looking for updates and details about my condition, you should contact John O’Neill, whom most of you know, or Mark Rigney, whose contact information is below. Between them, they will serve as a conduit to me and my wife, Shannon.

Thank you all for your support, not just now, but down the years, and I hope this message finds you well.


Since this message, our community is gathering its loving might to help Howard and Shannon and the Jones family in this time of great stress and financial burden. This GoFundMe shall go to forthcoming medical bills in the months to come and any other funding the family might need.

Please, help if you can. Please spread the word, share this link, or buy Howard's wonderful books. We thank you: for Howard is a true wizard among dragons, and we love him very, very much.

Yours truly, C. S. E. Cooney (Claire)