2019: Howard Andrew Jones's sequel to 2018's For the Killing of Kings is out this Nov. Upon the Flight of the Queen
>2015-2019 D.M. Ritzlin like The Infernal Bargain and Other Stories or Swords of Steel, Swords of Steel II, or Swords of Steel III (an omnibus edition of those 3 come out this Oct.)
2016 Dyrk AshtonPaternus: War of GodsPaternus: Rise of Gods
2017-2019Anna Smith Spark's grimdark series: The Court of Broken Knives, The Tower of Living and Dying, The House of Sacrifice
~1930Robert E. Howard genuine Conan or Kull or Bran or Agnes: The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian, Kull: Exile of Atlantis, Bran Mak Morn: The Last King, or Sword Woman and Other Historical Adventures
pre-1920 Pre-Howard Adventure or Heroic Fantasy:George MacDonald's Phantastes, Lord Dunsany's The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories, or Beowulf