Saturday, June 20, 2015

Tanith Lee and Solomon Kane Groupreads

Tanith Lee - Solomon Kane
July Aug 2015 Groupread Topics (2 months, 2 topics) 
Tanith Lee and Solomon Kane groupread Banner 

All are welcome to join the Goodreads Sword and Sorcery group read the below topics in July and August 2015:

1) TANITH LEE folder : With Tanith Lee's recent passing and coincidental re-release of The Birthgrave: Birthgrave Trilogy: Book One, it is timely to delve into her weird fantasy.

2) SOLOMON KANE folder : Robert E. Howard (Father of the Sword & Sorcery genre) had more heroes than Conan of course. Let us talk of his The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane, and even the comic book and movie adaptions. 

Banner Art Credits
Tanith Lee's The Birthgrave - Ken Kelly ~1981 , and the recently release The Birthgrave: Birthgrave Trilogy: Book One - Bastien Lecouffe Deharme - 2015

Robert E. Howard's The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane (interior work by Gary Gianni 2004)

The Birthgrave (Birthgrave, #1) by Tanith Lee The Birthgrave  Birthgrave Trilogy  Book One by Tanith Lee The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane by Robert E. Howard