Monday, July 1, 2013

July Aug 2013 - Groupread: Jack Vance and Your-Own-To-Read-Pile

Time to address "The Dying Earth" and Your-Own-To-Read pile!

Like to read?  Like fantasy fiction? Feel welcome to join the Sword & Sorcery group on Goodreads. This Summer we have to parallel Groupreads (for July-August 2013):

1) Jack Vance: With the recent passing of Jack Vance , we’ll reflect on his work this Summer (July-August): Link to Jack Vance Groupread. An ideal time to read/discuss The Dying Earth series.

2) To-Read Pile: A second group read with the theme of “Anything in your own To-Read pile.” The perfect excuse to read your ever-growing To-Read pile. Choose a Sword & Sorcery book from there, then confess why you haven't read it sooner here: Link to To-Read Groupread

Masthead: As always, the masthead banner image for the group reflects these.
The Dying EarthThe Eyes of the OverworldCugel's SagaRhialto The Marvellous

Montage created from these covers, credits go to artist (L to R)
Unknown ,1950; Jack Gaughan, 1966; Kevin Johnson, 1983; Stephen E. Fabian, 1984

The Dying Earth The Eyes of the Overworld Cugel's Saga Rhialto The Marvellous