Independent Author Spotlight: S.E. Lindberg (link)
DMR Books recently honored me with an invitation to participate in the Terra incognita: Lost Worlds of Fantasy and Adventure anthology. This spotlights an interview with me on the publisher's awesome S&S blog.
“My goal when writing is to take myself to places that are completely unique and unsettling; if I do not feel the sincere weirdness while composing, then readers won’t feel it either."
I tackle the below questions:
- Please introduce yourself and tell us about your background as a writer.
- What are the most prominent influences on your writing? How do you incorporate those influences without being derivative?
- Many authors say marketing is one of their biggest challenges. What tactics have you found to be most effective for getting your name out there?
- How much do your audience’s expectations factor in to what you write? Does this ever cause you to hold back from experimenting?
- Have you had any new stories published recently? Are you currently working on any?
- Name one newer and one older book you have read and enjoyed recently. (“Newer” meaning from the past year or so, and “older” meaning written before 1980.)