Monday, November 27, 2017

Beauty in Ruins: Fantasy Review: Helen's Daimones by S.E. Lindberg

I am honored to have Bob Milne of Beauty in Ruins Book reviews dissect Helen's Daimones.  Like weird fiction, then you should follow his blog & reviews.  

Bob Milne 2017 from Beauty in Ruins: Fantasy Review: Helen's Daimones by S.E. Lindberg

"The Dyscrasia novels by S.E. Lindberg are deep, intricate reads that hearken back to the pulp days of Lovecraft, Howard, and others. 

...What this chapter did for me was breathe real life (no pun intended) into Lord Lysis. He becomes a sympathetic character here, especially in his encounter with a tragic young woman (buried alive so many years ago), the ghosts of her children (hung for their corruption), and their army of dolls (crazy, dangerous dolls). He's still a monster, a fearfully powerful being, but he's also a personality here. As for Doctor Grave, he was already a full-fledged character, but he becomes a little more chilling here as new layers of mystery leave us to question his deeper motives.

...Helen's Daimones is weird fantasy, weirdly told, for weird readers. As the strongest of the three stories to date, it makes for a great introduction to Lindberg's world, and creates more than enough interest for a fourth entry.