Sunday, September 1, 2013

Imaro and Review Starved Books

Imaro Saunders banner groupread

The Sword & Sorcery Goodreads Group for the two month duration (Sept-Oct) are below.  Please join us!: 
  1. ImaroSword & Soul  by author Charles R. Saunders : Link to discussion (click here)
  2. Review-Starved Sword & Sorcery books: It is time to advocate the Sword & Sorcery genre, and enable future readers with some reviews/ratings. Seek out some new or vintage books that are not represented well (i.e. have less than ~20reviews), post some feedback on the book's page and here!  Link to that discussion (click here).
Again, I put together a montage banner (masthead) drawing from Saunder's coverart. Credits, from Left to Right:
  • "Imaro" Coverart by Ken Kelly 1981
  • "Imaro II Quest for the Cush 1984" coverart by James Gurney
  • "Dossouye" coverart by Mshindo Kuumba 2008

Imaro  The Quest for Cush  Imaro II  Dossouye (Dossouye, #1)