May-June 2013 GroupRead Theme, Vintage-Lankhmar:
The May-June 2013 Group read; which will be any:1) Vintage Sword and Sorcery (any S&S related work published between 1910 and 1970)...
...with an emphasis (default topic) of...
2)Fritz Leiber's Lankhmar series ...i.e.The First Book of Lankhmar; most of which was published before the arbitrary 1970 timing (note the Wiki Publication History.) Please join us on Goodreads (click here)!
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It is becoming a tradition to create an inspirational montage for each Group Read. This one is composed of coverart for books authored by (or inspired by) Fritz Leiber. Credits go to the original cover artists:Background: artist Jeffrey Catherine Jones covers to the 1970 editions of...
Swords and Deviltry, Swords Against Wizardry, Swords against Death
Foreground: Fafred and Gray Mouser depictions from Left to Right:
1- Mike Mignola: Farewell to Lankhmar
2- Clyde Caldwell: Tales of Lankhmar
3- Michael Whelan: Swords and Ice Magic
4- MIke Mignola:Lean Times in Lankhmar