Graphic Sword and Sorcery
from S.E. Lindberg
Graphic Sword and Sorcery

S.E. Lindberg is a Managing Editor at Black Gate, regularly reviewing books and interviewing authors on the topic of “Beauty & Art in Weird-Fantasy Fiction.” He has taken lead roles organizing the Gen Con Writers' Symposium (chairing it in 2023), is the lead moderator of the Goodreads Sword & Sorcery Group and was an intern for Tales from the Magician’s Skull magazine. As for crafting stories, he has contributed eight entries across Perseid Press’s Heroes in Hell and Heroika series, has an entry in Weirdbook Annual #3: Zombies He independently publishes novels under the banner Dyscrasia Fiction; short stories of Dyscrasia Fiction have appeared in Whetstone, Swords & Sorcery online magazine, Rogues In the House Podcast’s A Book of Blades, DMR’s Terra Incognita, and the 9th issue of Tales From the Magician’s Skull. He enjoys studying Aikido and creates all sorts of fine art in the family workshop.
Dyscrasia literally means “a bad mixture of liquids.”
Historically, dyscrasia referred to any imbalance of the four medicinal
humors professed by the ancient Greeks to sustain life (phlegm, blood, black
and yellow bile). Artisans, anatomists,
and chemists of the Renaissance expressed shared interest in the humors;
accordingly, the scope of humorism evolved to include aspects of the four
alchemical elements (water, air, earth and fire) and psychological temperaments
(phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric). In short, the humors are mystical media of
color, energy, and emotion; Dyscrasia Fiction presents them as
spiritual muses
for artisans, sources of magical power, and contagions of a deadly
disease. The books explore the choices humans and their gods make as this disease corrupts their souls, shared blood and creative energies.
Dyscrasia Fiction
Listed in story chronology (publication year) /"rating as if movie":
- Novel: Lords of Dyscrasia (2011) R
- Novel: Helen’s Daimones (2017) PG13 [New to the series? Start here]
- Short Story: Orphan Maker (2022 PG13 Tales from the Magician's Skull#9)
- Novel: Spawn of Dyscrasia (2014) PG13
- Short story: Raising Daughters (2020) PG - appears in Whetstone #2 S&S Magazine Read for free!
- Short Story: Embracing Ember (2022) PG13. A Book of Blades.
- Short Story: One Hive. Two Queens (2022). DMR Books: Terra Incognita (edited by Draa)
- Short story: Forging Independence (2021) PG Swords & Sorcery Magazine Issue 114, July 2021 Read for free!
- Short story: "Breaching Earth's Womb" (2023) Rogues in the House Podcast's .... A Book of Blades Vol. 2!
- Helen’s Storm (working title)
Spawn of Dyscrasia, the second volume of Dyscrasia Fiction, published in 2014. The cover art is illustrated by legendary fantasy artist Ken Kelly (Bio). If you think you are not familiar with his art, browse his gallery Ken Kelly (gallery); you likely have his coverart in your library.
Dark Fantasy For Mature Readers;
Not Young Adults
5/5 Stars "... there are few, if any, novels comparable to this one... The pace is nearly breathless... makes the majority of current popular fantasy fiction read like recipes by comparison... highly recommended, though not for the faint of heart." - ForeWord Clarion Reviews 2011
Check out Reader Reviews (link) and Excerpts (link)
This is a story of a man who worked to free himself from a lineage of bondage. He starts with simply denying the Rite of Inheritance of his forefathers, and soon finds himself undead and clothed in the skin of his enemies. - DC's reader reviewer
The book revolves around the characters: Doctor Grave, Cypria, Endenken, and Dey. Endenken seeks revenge, Doctor Grave dreams of restoring what was lost, Cypria wants to live, and Dey is running away from his past. In a world of disease, monsters, and danger, will the passions and desires that drive them be enough to help them survive? - Jojo's reader review