Saturday, August 10, 2019

Trade Day - GenCon 2019 - Learning Financial Literacy Through Games

 "Is That The Best You Can Do?"

Free Market Kids' "Is That The Best You Can Do?" game is inspired to teach basics of financial literacy and negotiating skills, but it's fun whether or not you care about learning. It is as easy as Uno... but totally different. The games works with three people, but works best with four or more for the negotiations to get exciting. It is excellent for family gatherings, home schooling, or class settings. A match runs about 30-45min, but a single ~5min round can be fun and full of teachable moments.

Wed July 31st at Trade Day GenCon 2019, Free Market Kids demonstrated the game with ~17 librarians, game developers, and teachers. 

This post shows short clips of mini-rounds. In short, these demonstrate how easy the game is to pick up.  Negotiating can be fun... but it is most fun with abstract "Alternate Identities" and "Flying Cars" on the market.