Sword & Sorcery Group Read: Mar-Apr 2013 - "Sword & Mythos"
We have 2 group reads for the Mar-Apr 2013 period; please join us at the Sword & Sorcery group on Goodreads.com:
- Focused Topic: Campbells’ Ryre Character - Link: Note ~4 of these tales were printed individually in the Swords Against Darkness anthologies, and the entire set is available from Necropress.com (affordable, but shipping is not instantaneous and has some extra hurdles for non-US based members); see the disucussion thread for more details.
- Thematic Read: Sword and Mythos Theme-Link: What is this theme of Sword and Mythos? Many members interpreted this option in the poll as any books with a “Lovecraftian Cthulhu” Mythos flare. That said, the idea of the group read is to encourage discussion, and some interpret “Mythos” as anything emphasizing Myth: Discussion Thread on Sword and Mythos.
Bookshelf Examples: Feel welcome to browse for some member-identified Sword and Mythos books (and tag your own selections): Sword and Mythos Bookshelf
Masthead Banner: Photo Section with Bookcover Credits
The banner is a montage of relevant covers. Credit for the cover parts as they appear from left to right are below (Artist / Book):
Bob Eggleton: Brian Lumley's Sorcery in Shad: Tales of the Primal Land
Bruce Pennington: Clark Ashton Smith's,Lost Worlds: Volume 2: Atlantis, Hyperborea, Xiccarph and Others
Michael Whelan: H.P. Lovecraft's The Best of H.P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre
Ken Kelly: Robert E. Howard's The Weird Works of Robert E. Howard: Wings in the Night
Frank Frazetta: R.E.Howard's Bran Mak Morn