The visit was an exchange where I discussed "Microrheology of Formulated Consumer Products", which shares a different perspective on microstructure since their expertise is largely focused on solid, dry particle analysis rather than wet mixtures (lotions, cosmetics, detergents). Conversely, I was investigating how their services, training, and tools (i.e the McCrone Particle Atlas) could help P&G.
They are setting up a microscope museum and I was able to have a peak at a First Edition, 1665 printing of Micrographia (link is to the interactive online version) being stored in a vault until its case is ready. Don Brooks (CEO) graciously donned white gloves and opened it up for me...even unfolded the "flea" panel. Sweet. As a nerdy microscopist, this was exhilarating. Like looking into the lost ark :) ... but I didn't melt.

All my cards can be found at S E Lindberg - Card Link. I will again document the design process as I had for the 2011 cherub card.
Historic McCrone Group
Season's Greetings Cards:

Or... Polarized Light of Sodium Bicarbonate?

1988: Christmas Trees?
Or... Rheinburg Illumination of Ammonium Chloride in Water?

1993: Ornamented Pine Boughs?
Or... Fluorescein Crystals?