Everyone is welcome to participate in the next two-month, two-topic groupreads. The polling was tight, but we have our Mar-Apr Topics selected:
(The third topic was very close: Steven Erikson's Gardens of the Moon, Deadhouse Gates or Forge of Darkness; those voters are encourages to read those too...perhaps try out the Buddy Read Section.
Banner credits for cover art of books by : Charles R. Saunders and David Gemmell; Cover Artists:
The Quest for Cush (no. 2) 2007 Vince Evans
Legends of the Drenai Ken Kelly 1990
Sword in the Storm (The Rigante Series, Book 1) 2001, Artist Doug Beekman
The King Beyond the Gate 1995, Louis Royo
Imaro 2006 Vince Evans
Any David Gemmell is fair game! Newcomers will likely want to grab hold of Legend. His work is easy to find.
And it's Sword & Soul time! This is for anything Charles R. Saunders wrote. Some of his books are difficult to track down, but they are worth it...and... he has been writing many short stories (those count too for Dossouyediscussion...so if you can't find the books, look into the anthologies he contributed for....list below).
We had a related group read in 2013 Imaro Groupread (link to that discussion)
Finding Books
There is at least one eBook version of Imaro available via Lulu...and ~$20USD version of most of his library; there are two pages.
1) The spotlight page for Charles R Saunders has most (link)
2) The page for Charles Saunders (no "R") has Dossouye available (link)
The Quest for Cush
The Trail of Bohu
The Naama War
Dossouye: the Dancers of Mulukau
Short stories: From his website we have a list of Charles R. Saunders's short stories and the collection they appeared in (link). We had a related group read in 2013 Imaro Groupread (link to that discussion)
Finding Books
There is at least one eBook version of Imaro available via Lulu...and ~$20USD version of most of his library; there are two pages.
1) The spotlight page for Charles R Saunders has most (link)
2) The page for Charles Saunders (no "R") has Dossouye available (link)
The Quest for Cush
The Trail of Bohu
The Naama War
Dossouye: the Dancers of Mulukau