Perseid Press has a great portfolio of Historical Fantasy and Fantasy Fiction including The Heroes In Hell Series and Sacred Band of Stepsons. Below is the announcement for their most recent offering, a new take on the legendary missing Ninth Legion (available now):
The IX, by Andrew Weston
If you like your science fiction fast paced and gritty, full of realistic action and dark humor in the face of overwhelming odds, then The IX is definitely the epic for you.
Fans of Julian May’s “Saga of the Pliocene Exiles,” Robert Heinlein’s “Have Space Suit, Will Travel”, and Jerry Pournelle's “Janissaries Series” will love this tale. It combines the divergent elements of the past, present, and future, and blends them together into a slick and stylish package that will leave you breathless and hungry for more.
The Must Read Science Fiction Adventure of 2015. Sometimes, death is only the beginning of the adventure...
Arden, home to a culture that
has existed for thousands of years and which spans dozens of worlds.
Regardless, their sophistication cannot prevent calamity at the hands of an unstoppable
nemesis. Known only as the Horde, this enemy has proven relentless. They have
not only stripped the outer colonies bare, but now threaten the existence of
the entire Ardenese way of life.
Realizing there is nothing they can do to prevent the inevitable march toward
extinction, the Ardenese governing body comes to a drastic decision. They gather
together at their capital city, Rhomane, and place their remaining genetic heritage
in a vast underground ark, in the care of an advanced AI construct called the
Architect. Its
mission? To use Rhomane’s dwindling reserves and safeguard their
race by reaching out across time and space toward those who might
be in a position to help reseed a devastated world at some time in
the future.
Soldiers from varying eras and
vastly different backgrounds find themselves snatched away from Earth at the
moment of their passing and transported to the far side of the galaxy. Thinking
they have been granted a reprieve, their relief turns to horror when they
discover they face a stark ultimatum:
Fight or die! Despite a
host of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, this group of misfits manages to
turn the tide against a relentless foe, only to discover the true cost of
victory might exact a price they are unwilling to pay.
In his spare time, Andrew assists NASA on one of their research projects, and amazingly, still finds the time to submit regular educational articles for Amazing Stories and When not writing, Andrew enjoys holding his breath, being told what to do by his wife, and drinking Earl Grey Tea whilst dressed as Captain Jean Luc Picard. Make it so...